Friday, May 8, 2009

An invitation to go on a walk

I hope you are all enjoying spring here in Wausau, or wherever you are! This is a perfect time of year to quit so I encourage you to set a quit date and think about how to make it easier for you to quit. I am reminded of the song "These are a Few of My Favorite Things", from the movie "Sound of Music", which talks about remembering some of your favorite things when faced with a hard thing to do. I believe it works and I think spring is the perfect time to make it work.
We are surrounded by renewal, a promise of new beginnings and beauty which when pondered and enjoyed makes whatever is difficult less so. So as I look at spring, it can make the tough times that come with quitting smoking a little easier and coping with the cravings experienced those first few weeks of quitting easier to get through.
Here is a prescription which will help you with the cravings of quitting smoking; Go for a walk! On your walk turn your mind to all of the things you are enjoying about the walk. The green buds on the trees, the song of the birds, the smiles of other walkers, the tulips and daffadowndillys. Sometimes sharing a walk can be even more fun, you can share your enjoyment of the fresh colors and smells of spring together which will make all you're experiencing even more vibrant. Your family will enjoy going with you too. Nothing like a walk together to bring you closer together, and to help us forget the aggravations of life. If you are looking forward to the birth of your baby you are reminded on every side of new beginnings, which is a fun thing to do when pregnant. As you are quitting it is a great way to remind yourself how much better food tastes and smells smell now that you have quit.
I really hope you will take my prescription, so quit smoking and make it a time of enjoying spring.

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