Wednesday, November 25, 2009


When life seems especially hard it is really important to look at all there is to be grateful for. When we are doing something very difficult, like quitting smoking, we sometimes can get stuck in the negative. Right now, a lot of folks are really struggling, financially and trying to get through the holidays happily. To do that it helps to look at the blessings we have in our lives.

Make a list of the things in your life that your are grateful for. Friends, is on my list. They make difficult times easier, and they help us out with support for quitting, with encouraging words, and being a shoulder to lean on. This is the week to let them know how grateful you are to have them in your life. This is the week to tell them thank you.

Our children, make this important list. Tell them by actions and words how glad you are that they are part of your world. Let them know how much they mean to you. This is the time of year that our thoughts turn to family. If you live far away and won't be seeing them on Thanksgiving then call or write to tell them of your love. If you live close by or for the family you live with, it is also a wonderful time to smile, hug and tell them of your love.

I am sure those that read this are in lots of different situations but all of us have things and people that make our life better. Thinking about who and what we are grateful for focuses us on the positive and opens the world up to great possibilities, like being smoke free and getting through the quitting part of being smoke free. I know that if you will spend this week thinking on what is good and wonderful that quitting will be easier. I know that you are strong. I hope that as you think of your blessings, the kind, the good,and the happy in your life that you will gather strength in this list,the strength you need to quit. Look at the things that you have done in your life, the good that you have accomplished, the difficulties you have overcome in the past and know that you will be able to quit, you will be able to get through the cravings and come through this time of quitting. God Bless, Alice

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Cost of Smoking

The real cost of smoking isn't figured in dollars it is figured in your child's health and your health which are priceless.

Saying that let's also remember that stress because of finances is a very real burden on many pregnant and new moms. Looking at the long view quitting smoking will save a lot of money, money that can be used to improve you and your family's life. Here is a look at how much financial stress can be reduced and the money that can be saved when you quit smoking.

The following analysis is based on a pack of cigarettes costing $5.00.

If you smoke 1/2 a pack a day you will be paying 2.50 a day on cigarettes. (that is 10 cigarettes a day and .25 per cigarette)


1/2 PACK @ $2.50 $17.50 $75 $910 $4,550
1 PACK:@$5.00 $35 $150 $1,820 $9,125
1.5 PACKS@ $7.50 $52 $208 $2,730 $13,650

1/2 PACK $17.50
1 PACK $35.00
1.5 PACKS $52.00

1/2 PACK $75
1 PACK $150
1.5 PACKS $208

1/2 PACK $910
1 PACK $1,820
1.5 PACKS $2,730

1/2 PACK $4,550
1 PACK $9,125
1.5 PACKS $13,650

If there is more than more one smoker in the household you would have to add their use onto these totals. As you can see finances would be improved and the financial stress would be less.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Stress, Anxiety and Depression, There is Help

There are so many changes in a woman's life during pregnancy and after her child is born. A coming child bring changes to a family, finances and with a first baby a complete change in your life. Adding to these changes are the hormonal changes that occur in your body during pregnancy and coping with the changes in how you look is also sometimes difficult.

Mom's are trying to work through these changes and are also determined to do all in their power to give their new child every advantage. How to accomplish this can all be very overwhelming.

Hormonal Changes make the stresses that you have always had take on a new intensity. If this seems true to you and you have always been prone to anxiety and depression speak to your health care provider, seek help!

What can you change and what can't you? The changes in your body, the growing baby, which will bring weight gain, and hormonal changes can't be altered but they can be managed. I'm sure you are wondering what I mean? When I first became pregnant I took it as a license to eat, without thinking about what nutrition the baby and I needed. When I started eating in a more healthy way, with plenty of vegetables, and fruit and less soda and candy I felt better, had more energy and I kept within the guidelines my physician had given me for weight gain. It isn't good to gain too much or too little, and most importantly it is important to eat healthy. I encourage you to think of the changes in your body as an exciting adventure that means your baby is developing and growing. Sometimes we can affect changes in our mindset by keeping our thoughts and expressions in a positive vein. If this seems impossible then speak to your public health nurse, or health provider about it, I know they will be able to give your some help in this.

What about changes in your finances, while these stresses don't go away I would again suggest a positive approach. This is an excellent time, if you haven't already to, to begin to budget. I know if you have very little to begin with it seems futile to budget but I know it can help. Write down every expenditure and put it under headings of Housing, Utilities, Phone, Food, Entertainment, Insurance, Gas,Debt, Car, Tobacco, Clothing, miscellaneous, and Personals , etc. After you have tracked your spending for a month look at the whole of it. What can change and what can't? This helps you decide where you want your money to go and will help you feel impowered because you are spending your money in ways that you choose. If you have debt then pick the biggest debt and start whittling it down a little each month. Just doing something about a difficult situation makes it seem less overwhelming and can make it seem less stressful.

Another part of budgeting is that it shows you how much you are spending on tobacco. If tobacco is on your budget then that is another place that you can save. Lets talk about tobacco and the stress it brings into your life. Sometimes women think in terms as to how tobacco helps them handle stress. I want to suggest something else that tobacco does, it causes stress in many pregnant women because they know they want to quit for their baby, they know it will be their biggest gift to their child to quit smoking so not quitting is a burden to their soul. To resolve this delema means quitting! YOU CAN, IT IS POSSIBLE! I know it will be a relief to your heart to quit. Look to future blogs or the archive to help you with this, or the quit line. The Quit Line has counselors that are trained to help pregnant or new moms quit smoking, or using tobacco.

The changes in your body and the changes a pregnancy brings to your life are stressful. Budgeting, and changing the way you think about these changes, keeping a positive mind set and help is very empowering. Quitting smoking, budgeting, eating right will help you handle these stresses because just doing something helps! We also need to keep in mind that pregnancy brings hormonal changes that sometimes exasperate these but there is help available so seek it. Talk to your public health nurse, and other health care providers, see a counselor. There is help available, so speak to the people that can help you.

Monday, November 2, 2009


Have you ever had anyone tell you during a stressful moment "JUST BREATHE"? That is actually great advice, because, besides the fact that it sustains life, a slow purposeful breath helps relax and quiet the body during withdrawals and other stressful moments. I would like to teach you a way to breathe during these times that have helped many, many people.

When you have a terrible craving for a cigarette, Focus on your breath and then breathe in the following way:

Inhale for a slow count to four

Hold that breath for the another slow count to four

Exhale that breath for the same slow count of four

Hold exhalation for a count of four

Continue to do this for at least four or more breaths. I think you will find this a great way to handle any of the stress that comes with daily living.