Friday, May 8, 2009

Spring has Sprung

Spring is here and I am really enjoying it. I believe it can be the perfect time of year to quit using tobacco. While taking a walk I was reminded of a song from the movie "Sound of Music", which is called "My Favorite Things". This is a song says that when we are doing something really difficult, experiencing something which is hard to get through if we think of one of our favorite things it will become easier. I really believe this and think spring is the perfect time to use this idea when you quit smoking. The first thing to do is decide on a quit date. Then make a plan which will help you succeed. Part of this plan is deciding ways that will help you get through the difficult cravings that are so often the hard part of the first few weeks. This post is a prescription of one way to cope with the cravings using the message from the song "My Favorite Things". We are living through a glorious spring time. Here in Wausau, daffodils and tulips are out, leaves are budding out on the trees, bird song is everywhere and it if finally getting warm. It is a perfect time to go for a walk and enjoy the wonder experienced by all of your senses, smell, sight,hearing and touch. So, my prescription is when those cravings come go outside for a short walk. While you are walking, really look, ponder and focus on the beauty of the sights and smells around you. Think about what you are experiencing that really brings you joy and think about why it is so wonderful. I know that getting outside and experiencing the beauty around us and how it is changing every day will make this the perfect time for you to Quit. My good thoughts are sent out to you in this effort. Alice

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