Thursday, December 16, 2010

Holiday Stress Busters

Holiday Stress Busters
Well the holiday season is going full strength. There are some wonderful reasons to love this time of year, with children being at the top of my reasons to enjoy Christmas time. It is such a busy time of year, with lots of stress built into that we sometimes get overwhelmed by it all. Beware of the stress sometimes bringing a person back to tobacco as a stress reliever. Remember that it is a temporary solution that will bring long term stress of quitting again. If because of the many things to do, the stress will sometimes take you to a cigarette. Know that relapse is not unusual, the difference can be in your reaction to the relapse. The important thing is to not continue to turn to a cigarette during times of stress but to remember breathing, exercise or any of the many things that you have used to handle cravings and stress. Let this be an opportunity to go back to better ways to handle stress than a cigarette, to return to the other ways to handle cravings. I would like to remind you that it is ok to take a short break from children. By this I mean when you used to give yourself a cigarette break when the children would bicker, whine or be difficult in any way I would encourage you to take a break with a book, or to do some breathing exercises, whatever would work the best for you and your situation. I would suggest that you take this break in a different place than you use to take your cigarette breaks. Your brain associates places with where you use to smoke and if you take breaks in those smoking places people often find that they will have stronger cravings in those spots or times. Choose a new place of momma breaks and try some deep breaths maybe using 4-4-4-4 breaths. If you have forgotten what that is look at the archives and review them. Take a deep breath and chill.

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