Saturday, June 19, 2010

Now is the time to Quit

I can't think of a better time to quit than summer. It is so easy to change routines and to take advantage of the fresh air. Let's think together on how to go about quitting now. I will be blogging on things to think about and do to get ready to quit and then to quit. Let's get together and look forward to a NO TOBACCO FUTURE!
When would be a good quitting date? That is the first thing to consider. Try to pick a day where you have fewer worries and responsibilities. That might be on your day off, or a coming week that has fewer stressers on the calendar. Pick a day, soon before you lose your resolve, where you can change up your routines without too many problems. Look forward to this as some ME TIME. This "ME" time might be the most important of your life. This "ME" time has the potential to save your life. Anything this important to your long term health and well being is important enough to plan for.
Do you have some places or activities that you have been wanting to do? Are there some things that you enjoy and that will take you away from your usual smoking places and times. Plan for a time that will refresh and renew you as you take on this difficult adventure. Approach this day, week, month with anticipation and excitement because it has the potential to change your life, to make it better.
Make plans to spend time with supportive family and friends who will understand grumpy and not as sharp as usual. Make plans to go to places like the museum or a movie that you have wanted to see and where you can't smoke. Make plans to give yourself time in a peaceful place that renews your spirit. Make plans to write about yourself, what you like about yourself and what your strengths are. Write or talk about what you want your future to look like tomorrow, next month, next week and in five years and what it is going to take to make that future possible. Remember to Dream Big because Big things are possible.
My dream for you is to be tobacco free. Plan for the day that you will quit.

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