Monday, February 8, 2010

What is in Cigarette Smoke?

We know that cigarettes have around 4,000 ingredients. Here is a partial list of some of these substances found in cigarette smoke. Here is a partial list of some of the identified chemicals in cigarette smoking, and their common uses:

Acetone - nail polish remover
Ammonia - floor/toilet cleaner
Arsenic-rat poison
Acetic Acid - hair dye
Benzene- Rubber cement
Butane-cigarette lighter fluid
Cadmium-Rechargeable batteries
Carbon Monoxide-Car exhaust fumes
Formaldehyde- used to embalm bodies
Hexamine- Barbecue lighter
Hydrazine- Jet and rocket fuels
Methane- swamp gas
Methanol- rocket fuel
Nepthalene- moth balls
Nicotine- insecticide
Nitrobenzene- gasoline additive
Nitrous Oxide Phenols-disinfectant
Polonium-dangerous radiation
Stearic Acid-candle wax
Toluene-industrial solvent
Vinyl Chloride-garbage bags & PFC2

Known Cancer causing agents:
B-Napthylamine Nickel
Benzp(a)pyrene Nitrosamines
Cadmium Nitrosonornicotine
Crysenes Polonium 210
Dibenz Acidine Toluidine

Chemicals that Increase the Risk of Birth Defects:

This list is the MOST important list for the pregnant and new mom's who read this blog. I know you'll want to protect your baby from these poisons!

Acrylonitrile Arsenic
Benzene Butadiene
Cadmium Carbon Monoxide
Chromium Copper
DDT/Dieldrin Formaldehyde
Lead Magnesium
Mercury Nickel
Styrene Titanium
Toluene Vinyl Chloride

Aluminum Gold
Copper Lead
Magnesium Mercury
Silicon Silver
Titanium Zinc

Information on this sheet is adapted from research available from the National Cancer Institute:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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