Wednesday, November 25, 2009


When life seems especially hard it is really important to look at all there is to be grateful for. When we are doing something very difficult, like quitting smoking, we sometimes can get stuck in the negative. Right now, a lot of folks are really struggling, financially and trying to get through the holidays happily. To do that it helps to look at the blessings we have in our lives.

Make a list of the things in your life that your are grateful for. Friends, is on my list. They make difficult times easier, and they help us out with support for quitting, with encouraging words, and being a shoulder to lean on. This is the week to let them know how grateful you are to have them in your life. This is the week to tell them thank you.

Our children, make this important list. Tell them by actions and words how glad you are that they are part of your world. Let them know how much they mean to you. This is the time of year that our thoughts turn to family. If you live far away and won't be seeing them on Thanksgiving then call or write to tell them of your love. If you live close by or for the family you live with, it is also a wonderful time to smile, hug and tell them of your love.

I am sure those that read this are in lots of different situations but all of us have things and people that make our life better. Thinking about who and what we are grateful for focuses us on the positive and opens the world up to great possibilities, like being smoke free and getting through the quitting part of being smoke free. I know that if you will spend this week thinking on what is good and wonderful that quitting will be easier. I know that you are strong. I hope that as you think of your blessings, the kind, the good,and the happy in your life that you will gather strength in this list,the strength you need to quit. Look at the things that you have done in your life, the good that you have accomplished, the difficulties you have overcome in the past and know that you will be able to quit, you will be able to get through the cravings and come through this time of quitting. God Bless, Alice

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